------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OBAQ Model Editor ver0.1 MANUAL HSP : Hot Soup Processor HSP Support Tool Reference copyright 2014 (c) onion software ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 繝サ Introduction OBAQ Model Editor is available with HSP plugin obaq.dll It is a tool that can easily create a 2D shape and output it as a data file. It is an editor for creating polygonal shapes while checking them on the screen. The created data is saved and recalled in a special format called ".qvd". You can do it. Also, create the created data from the HSP3 script. A module for loading is also included. It has only simple functions. Since the source script is attached, anyone can reorganize and add You can distribute it. ツキstarting method obaqme.hsp in the sample / obaq folder with a script editor Please read and execute. If necessary, press the [F9] key (automatic executable file creation) to create an exe file. You can create and run (obaqme.exe). 揃Change log 2010/1/28 ver0.1 First version. 揃basic operation The one created on the edit screen will be loaded and saved as one model. On the edit screen, left-click to set the vertices and create the shape. The red dot in the center is the center of gravity. * Be sure to place the apex "counterclockwise" (counterclockwise). When creating a shape, be sure to go around and return to the same location as the first vertex. When it returns to the first vertex, it is considered as one polygon (closed shape). You can combine multiple polygons in one model. The only polygon that OBAQ can handle is a convex body. Complex shapes do not try to create one polygon, but multiple polygons Please try to combine. 繝サ Vertex editing Press the [ctrl] key to enter vertex edit mode. If you press the [ctrl] key on an existing vertex, that vertex will be edited. Become. If you press the [ctrl] key in an empty space, you edited it before. The vertices are subject to editing. (The vertices to be edited can be changed with the left and right cursor keys) By holding down [ctrl] and clicking a new location with the left button, You can change the coordinates of the vertex you are editing. Also, hold down [ctrl] and click the right button to delete the vertices. can. However, it is safe to delete vertices, so the cursor will move to the target vertex. It will only be executed when it is pointing. ツキpreview By pressing the "TEST" button, the model currently being edited can be selected. You can check it by displaying it in a separate window. ・ Load and save By pressing the "SAVE" and "LOAD" buttons, the data currently being edited can be displayed. You can save and load to a file. Saved files have a ".qvd" extension. ・ Convert By pressing the "CONVERT" button, in a form available from the script Create a binary file. The file created here will have the extension ".qvb" added. Unnecessary for editing, unlike the format used for loading and saving tools The data has been removed. -Read module Script .qvb files by using "mod_qvb.as" It can be read. A sample (qvbtest.hsp) is also included, so please refer to it. ・ Copyright and license The copyright of OBAQ Model Editor belongs to ONION software / onitama. OBAQ Model Editor is available under a BSD license, whether paid or free. It can be attached, duplicated, reorganized and redistributed. Data created by the user using the tool, and generated scripts The right belongs to the user who created it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HSP users manual / end of file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------