━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ d3module version 1.68 update 2018/06/01 s.programs http://spn.php.xdomain.jp/ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Required environment | HSP 3.x ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d3module is a module that enables simple 3D drawing with only HSP standard instructions. This is The purpose of developing d3module is to "extend HSP standard drawing instructions to 3D". By including d3m.hsp, HSP standard pset and You can now use 3D drawing commands in a format similar to commands such as line and circle. I will. Same execution result in many environments because it does not depend on DirectX or 3D accelerator Can be obtained. d3module is a very poor 3D drawing system with no concept of light source or z sort. However, sometimes the wire-based 3D space that feels a little nostalgic is also interesting. it might be. Areas for d3module: ・ Three-dimensional mathematical graph drawing ・ Visualization of 3D physics simulation, etc. Areas where d3module is not suitable: ・ 3D games in general ・ Fields that require high-speed processing About the demo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d3m_techdemo.exe (d3module techdemo) is created only with standard HSP instructions This is a demonstration program of d3module. ・ About the song In this techdemo, we will use Vijore, a song released by onoken. It has received. onoken's site: http://www.axsword.com/ With d3module techdemo, a long period of time that goes far beyond your usual working style I continued to write code over the years, but it was this that kept me motivated during that time Thanks to the wonderful music. How to use the module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Module d3m.hsp and sample scripts in the module_sample directory Is included. If you include d3m.hsp, you can use the instructions of d3module. Details of each instruction can be found in hs help d3mhelp.hs. This file In the hsphelp directory under the HSP installation directory Help will be available from the Help Manager. If this is your first time using it, take a look at the sample scripts in order. In the form of gradually raising the level from a simple sample, for new orders Since the usage is explained in detail, you can master the basic usage in a short time. I think it will be. More detailed information can be found on the distribution page. http://spn.php.xdomain.jp/hsp_d3m.htm Copyright free ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The d3module (module body, sample, demo script) is in the public domain. For modification of d3module and publication of programs incorporating d3module There are no restrictions. If a modified version is released, it should be distinguished from the original Please. The copyright of the music of techdemo belongs to onoken. Release notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.68 2018/06/01 -Importing HSP3Dish compatible patches for d3timer 繝サ Readjust the techdemo production to match modern hardware and reduce the load ツキ Ended HSPLet support for techdemo scripts 繝サ Adjustment of some sample scripts 繝サ Notation change due to website relocation -Delete the document thumbnail image 1.67 R2 2010/02/12 (There is no change in the module body) -Change sample scripts and documents 繝サ Changes to techdemo -Added document thumbnail file (for HSP Document Library) 繝サ D3module 1.10 for HSP 2.55 / 2.6 is no longer included. 1.67 2008/05/01 -Changed to draw small particles sharper -Added measures for multiple inclusion of d3m.hsp 1.66 2006/12/24 -Added the function to create polygonal particles to the particle creation routine. (See help for d3mkparticle) -Fixed d3circle to draw very small circles ・ (1.66 credit modified version) Updated the URL of the music producer in the document and techdemo ・ (1.66 Help error correction version) d3vrotate Help error correction etc. 1.63 2006/02/14 ・ Improved compatibility with HSPLet @Mac with particle drawing system -Changed so that odd dot diameters can be drawn with the d3circle command. 1.61 2005/12/08 -Extension of d3texture instruction (addition of surface division function with arbitrary number) (The surface division code is provided by Yuki.) 1.60 2005/12/07 ・ Implementation of local coordinate system --Addition of d3setlocal instruction -Addition of d3vrotate command (spatial rotation operation around arbitrary axis) -Publishing the internal command d3vpos (adding help) ・ Disclosure of internal variables d3wincx and d3wincy (center coordinates of 2D screen) 1.51 2005/10/14 -Added the d3ribbonto command as a variation of the surface drawing command. -Fixed the problem that some vertices are missing 1 dot with the d3box instruction. 1.50 2005/09/24 -Supports HSP 3.0 (HSP 2.x is not supported) ・ Double-precision real numbering of coordinate information (simplification of mathematical expressions, relaxation of coordinate value restrictions) ・ Acceleration of internal calculation -Change the unit of angle to be input with the d3roate command to radians. -Added surface drawing command, etc. d3square Fill and draw a square plane d3texture Paste the image on a square plane d3timer () winmm.dll timeGetTime () itself d3getfps () get fps -Abolished instructions that are no longer needed due to the new features of HSP 3.0 d3sqrt (obsolete) Get square root d3sin (obsolete) sin acquisition d3cos (obsolete) cos acquisition Acquired d3sincos (obsolete) sin, cos d3atan (obsolete) Acquired atan d3fp (obsolete) Set the accuracy of d3sin, d3cos, d3atan, d3roate d3gethorizon (obsolete) horizon y coordinate acquisition d3init (obsolete) d3module initialization -Organize the functions of particle drawing commands Changed d3particle drawing mode to follow gmode Changed d3particlem drawing mode to follow gmode d3particler (additional instruction) d3particlemr (additional instruction) ・ Unlimited particle drawing size -Abolished the upper limit of particle ID 1.10 2004/03/20 -Added particle drawing command d3mkparticle Create particles d3ldparticle particle image load d3particle Draw particles d3particlem Draw particles at the drawing position immediately before -Added d3gethorizon instruction -Fixed a bug that the size of the circle was wrong with the d3circle instruction. -Fixed the d3arrow command so that the arrow takes depth into consideration. ・ Organize some instructions d3horizon (obsolete) d3setcenter (obsolete) d3setzoom (obsolete) d3cbrt (obsolete) -Abolished the variable d3depth (using the system variable stat) -Abolished the constant D3MVER -Changed so that the d3init instruction does not have to be executed explicitly. 1.05 2003/07/05 ・ Addition of d3atan instruction 1.04 c01 2003/06/23 ・ Improved performance and reduced size 1.04 2003/05/27 -Clipping is done with d3line and d3box. ・ Addition of d3horizon instruction 1.01 2003/04/27 ・ Speeding up d3circle ・ Modification of attached sample 1.00 2003/04/27 -The bit precision of sin / cos can now be selected with 10 bits or less. -Added some drawing commands beta 4a -Fixed the attached source so that it can be compiled with HSP 2.6 beta ・ First release version