------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hot Soup Processor ver3.3 HSP : Hot Soup Processor Additional HSP Template & Tools copyright 1997-2011 (c) onion software ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ■ Introduction AHT (Additional HSP Template & Tools) is Hot Soup Processor ver3.1 or later By using with, automatic source generation and cooperation with external data We provide various mechanisms to do it. ■ Overview of AHT AHT has various roles. ・ Arrange rules for automatically generating new HSP source scripts Define interdependencies between reusable HSP source scripts ・ Determine the data formats that can be used by HSP and the dependencies of the tools. In other words, a method for anyone to easily generate HSP source scripts, A mechanism for easily using template scripts and tools Think of it as supporting. In HSP, modules and We have provided macros, plugins, etc. But these are Each user has created and published it according to their own rules. AHT formats this according to a set rule, and various standard forms. Reuse and link scripts more easily in a common way I am aiming. Templates are a new concept introduced in HSP3.1. The concept of templates used in common programming languages is Often refers to advanced mechanisms for code abstraction, In the case of HSP, the focus is on providing a simpler "template", It will be used to reuse scripts more easily. AHT provides information and management of reusable HSP source scripts It is a general term for the mechanism including tools. The definition file used in AHT has the extension ".aht", "AHT file" Is called. ■ "Easy input" menu "Easy input" function is available from the standard script editor of HSP3. Supports script input by function, right-click menu By pressing and selecting the submenu item under "Easy Input" You can use it. For example, if you select the "Specify color" function, A box for entering the specified color in R, G, B or hexadecimal number, A dialog will appear in which you can specify from the color swatches. Enter the color you want to specify in the dialog and click the "OK" button By pressing, the script will be placed at the cursor position in the script editor. It will be generated automatically. For "Easy input", the keyword of the function you want to use is unknown. Intuitive parameters such as time, font name, color code, etc. It will help you to enter. The "Easy Input" menu is created using the functions of AHT. The user can freely edit the menu items, and the degree of freedom We can provide high input support. The "Easy Input" menu item is the script editor (hsed3.exe). Under the "ezinput" folder in the folder where It will be searched. That is, the AHT file in the "ezinput" folder You can easily add menu items just by copying. If you create a new folder under the "ezinput" folder, Hierarchical structure is also created in the menu. This makes it possible to sort menu items by category. Become. ■ HSP Template Manager (Peas) HSP Template Manager (Peas) is a tool mainly for mouse operation. You can combine AHT files to create and execute programs. It has a function. Very simple by combining automatically generated scripts For applications, without using a script editor You can complete the software. HSP Template Manager gives HSP scripts in a new style Suggests to create, but an alternative to the script editor Is not. The best tool depending on the user's style and the required software content I would be happy if you could choose. ■ AHT file overview AHT file is a "template" for generating HSP source scripts Refers to the format handled by. AHT files have a ".aht" extension. AHT files are compatible with HSP3 source script files (.hsp) There is. Compile the AHT file as it is as the source of HSP3 It is possible to do it. AHT files are called AHT headers using preprocessor instructions Definition information is specified. Also, using specially formatted comments We are defining the dialog interface. The AHT file can be easily used as a template for the conventional HSP3 source script. This is a format for reuse. Traditional scripts with minimal modifications It can be treated as an AHT file. ■ AHT file header The AHT file header defines the information in the AHT file. Source code as a template by "#aht" preprocessor instruction You can specify information about it. #aht class "class name" Specify the class name of the AHT file. The AHT file must belong to some class. Class names are separated by periods, such as "hsp3.std" can do. The class name is so that AHT files can be operated safely. It defines the environment in which it will be used. For example, the one created by the standard function of HSP3 "Hsp3.std", in the case of HGIMG3 environment, "hsp3.hgimg3" Make a distinction so that the source code of different environments is not mixed It will be an index to do. This class name is mainly in HSP Template Manager will be used. #aht name "template name" Specify the name of the AHT file. This definition can be omitted. If omitted, the file name will be used as the template name. #aht author "author name" Specify the author name of the AHT file. This definition can be omitted. #aht ver "version" Specifies the version of the AHT file. This definition can be omitted. #aht exp "Explanatory text" Specifies a description for the AHT file. This item will be added by describing more than one. This definition can be omitted. #aht icon "filename" Specifies an icon file specific to the AHT file. This definition can be omitted. This item is used by HSP Template Manager. #aht iconid 0 Specify the icon ID unique to the AHT file. This definition can be omitted. This item is used by HSP Template Manager. #aht helpkw "Help keywords" Specify the help keyword. This keyword is HDL with the help button when you enter it easily Specifies the string passed to. ■ AHT comment Redefine specific keyword items by writing AHT comments You can register it as a possible item. The rules for AHT comments are as follows. -Add a ";;" comment to the #const or #define instruction. -It is possible to specify an option specification character string after the ";;" comment. -Predefined parameters are the default The usual comment is ";", but only if you change it to ";;" Recognized as an AHT comment. Keywords with AHT comments can be redefined by GUI It will be recognized as an item. Example: # const test1 123; It's a normal comment # const test2 456 ;; AHT comment In the above example, test1 and test2 are defined as macros. When creating a new source using this source as a template, The definition of "456" in test2 can be rewritten by GUI. AHT comments have some descriptive rules and keywords You can write supplementary information when redefining. Separate the format of "option string = parameter" with "," I will write while. Example: #const test1 123 ;;int,min=1,max=10 There are the following types of option strings. Also, some parameters can be omitted. ・ Name Defines the display name of the keyword. If the name option is not defined, the definition keyword is It will be used as it is as a name. If you change the name with this option, the definition keyword and There will be a difference in the name. Please use with great care. Example: # const test1 123 ;; name = "name" ・ Int The keyword indicates that you are defining an integer value. Keywords defined by the #const instruction are by default The int option is used. The minimum and maximum values can be set with the min and max options. Example: #const test1 123 ;;int,min=1,max=10 ・ Double The keyword indicates that you are defining a real number. The minimum and maximum values can be set with the min and max options. Example: #const test1 0.0 ;;double,min=0.0,max=1.0 ・ Str The keyword indicates that you are defining a string. Keywords defined by the #define instruction are by default The str option is used. Example: #define test1 "ABC" ;;str ・ Combox Indicates that the keyword can be redefined by a combo box. Specify the contents of the combo box with the prm and opt options. Example: #define mode 0 ;; combox, prm = "0 \\ n1 \\ n", opt = "waiting for time \\ nwaiting for key input" ・ Chkbox Indicates that the keyword can be redefined by a checkbox. Specify the contents of the check box with the prm and opt options. ・ Color Indicates that the keyword can be redefined by the file selection dialog. If "opt =" rgb "" is additionally specified, the following 3 items are for editing R, G, B values. will be used. Example: #define Specified color code $ ffffff ;; color ・ File Indicates that the keyword can be redefined by the file selection dialog. Specify the content of the extension with the prm option. Example: #define image file "" ;; file, prm = "bmp; *. jpg; *. gif" ・ Font Indicates that the keyword can be redefined by the font selection dialog. The following two items are used as the font size and mode. Example: #define Font name "" ;; font, help = "Press the button to select." #const font size 13 ;; help = "point" #const character mode 0 ;; help = "specify style" ・ Exec Indicates that the keyword can be redefined by an external tool. Specify the external tool name with the opt option. ・ Parts Refer to the part object placed in the visual editing tool and refer to it. Indicates that it will be redefined by part ID. Specifies the class string of the part that can be referenced by the prm option. (Starting match is enabled for class strings) ・ Pprop Indicates that the keyword will be redefined in the property string of the part object specified by "parts". The referenced parts will be those of the last defined parts option. Specify the property content (character string) with the prm option. ・ Popt Indicates that the keyword will be redefined with the option string of the part object specified by "parts". The referenced parts will be those of the last defined parts option. Specify the content (character string) of the option with the prm option. ・ Help Defines a supplementary description string. The supplementary explanation is displayed when editing the GUI. ・ Pure Indicates that the keyword that defines the string is expanded by #ahtout. By default, the pure specification is enabled. This keyword is provided for explicit purposes and for compatibility. Example: #define test1 "ABC" ;;pure #ahtmes "ABC="+test1 ・ Mes Indicates that the keyword that defines the string is expanded by #ahtmes. When mes is specified for a character string enclosed in double quotes, Keywords can be expanded correctly with the #ahtmes command. ・ Read Disables the control when you edit the defined keyword. ・ Refname The defined string as the name parameter in the AHT file header Redefine. (HSP template manager part display name setting Used for. ) ・ Withid Redefine by adding the model ID to the defined character string. (Used for the part setting name of HSP Template Manager.) ■ AHT message output Message to the outside using the preprocessor instruction "#ahtmes" It is possible to output. When the "Easy input" function is used, the source code added on the editor is displayed. I'm using it to describe it. When using the Peas editor, set the initialization items (items to be added to the beginning of the script) I'm using it to describe it. Like the mes instruction, the #ahtmes instruction connects strings and macros with the "+" operator. It can be output. Example: #define Variable to assign a ;; str #const Random number range 100 ;; help = "occurs from 0 to specified range -1" #ahtmes "" + Variable to be assigned + "= rnd ("+ Range of random numbers + ") \\ t \\ t; Variable" + Variable to be assigned + "is assigned a random number." Unlike the normal mes instruction, it is defined on the preprocessor. Note that you are connecting macros. ■ AHT support module Functions related to AHT are provided by hspcmp.dll and AHT module (mod_aht.as). Will be provided. All AHT related tools, including AHT Manager, are now on HSP3 Therefore, it is created. ■ Update history 2009/06/24 3.2β4 Fixed example of combox option. Fixed if.aht for Peas. 2009/05/14 3.2β3 Added helpkw item to file header options. 2007/07/15 3.1RC1 HSP Template Manager (Peas) tool officially released. 2007/06/08 3.1β10 Fixed a bug in the name option of AHT comments. 2007/02/09 3.1β7 Added AHT comment keyword "pure". 2006/11/10 3.1β6 First released as a preview version of AHT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AHT.TXT / end of file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------